Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

  • AI in the library

    Anyone else been as amused as me, by the whole AI furore? I’ve never thought of ‘Who moved my cheese?’ as much as I have watching the frantic and near-hysteria from so many in the education sector. I’ll make it clear, I’m leaving out creators who may have justifiable concerns about their livelihoods being impacted.…

  • The Daredevil Princess and the Fire Dragon: #3 – Belinda Murrell. Illustrated by Rebecca Crane.

    Penguin Australia Princess Tillie and Honeyblossom are back in another exciting mystery/adventure, this time with a very large, very pink and very grumpy dragon with which to deal. Yet again, there is trouble in the Queendom when suddenly all the water begins to dry up – wells, fountains, animal troughs, the castle moat, all have…

  • Spot Bakes a Cake – Eric Hill

    Penguin Australia June 2024 Spot Bakes a Cake was first published in 2008 and has been both a paperback and a board book. Now this new edition of the board book will continue to bring joy to Smalls. It’s Dad’s birthday, so Mum and Spot make a delicious cake for him. First they shop, then…

  • Thank You: how to turn a grey day into a Yay day – Josh Langley

    Big Sky Publishing May 2024 LIST PRICE: AU$ 14.99 / NZ$ 17.99 I am grateful for the beach. I am grateful for The Kid. I am grateful for mangoes.  I am grateful for our cat, even if she’s snarky. I am grateful for books.  I am especially grateful for Josh Langley’s books… and this new…

  • A Small Collection of Happinesses: : A tale of loneliness, grumpiness and one extraordinaryfriendship – Zana Fraillon. Illustrated by Stephen Michael King.

    Hachette Australia May 2024 Imprint: Lothian ISBN: 9780734422989 RRP: $14.99 Hettie is a smallish girl with a biggish imagination. She also has a biggish personality, that much is evident from the first pages of this new very different, somewhat off-beat new Zana Fraillon middle grade novel. She lives in a very unprepossessing block of flats,…

  • ANZAC Day 2024

    I thought I’d put together a few ANZAC resources purely focused on the service of our First Nations men and women. I feel confident that most people would already have plenty of other books, activities, resources but perhaps not so many that focus on Blak Diggers. If you know of any others, I’d love to…

  • The Sea Captain’s Wife – Jackie French

    Harper Collins Australia It really is a given, that a new Jackie French book means that all other books are put on hold (even if half-read!) until I have devoured the newest. And that’s exactly what has happened over the past few days. Just under 500 pages flew by over a couple of nights as…

  • Information Overload!

    Every now and then it happens. There’s been a gradual build-up on the review shelves, which I doggedly work through but then there’s a sudden rush of many parcels arriving (my postie and I are such good friends after him delivering to my last two houses!), and things go completely catawampus. So despite all my…

  • I Hear a Buho – Raquel MacKay/Armando Fonseca

    Scribble April 2024 ISBN: 9781957363653 RRP: $24.99 Given we have done a little bit of learning Spanish here over the last couple of years, I was well pleased to know that I could not only pronounce all the español in this striking picture book but could understand it. Hurra! This a quite simple rhyming picture…

  • Dinosaur in my Pocket – Ashleigh Barton & Blithe Fielden

    Hachette Imprint: Lothian Children’s Books MARCH 2024 | 9780734422668 | RRP $24.99 There are many of us, young as well as old, who love miniatures. I once had a dollhouse as an adult and was, piece by piece, acquiring miniature ‘antiques’ to furnish it. You only need to look at the feeding frenzy the supermarket miniatures create to know…

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